4th V.N. Gribov Memorial Workshop: Theoretical Physics of XXI Century
4th V.N. Gribov Memorial Workshop
June, 17-20
Chernogolovka, Russia
Conference Program

Wednesday, 17 June
10:30-10:40 Welcome & Announcements
Lebedev VV , Nikolaev NN
10:40-11:15 Vladimir Naumovich Gribov. Pieces of biography.
Azimov Ya
11:15-11:45 Paying homage to Vladimir Naumovich
Eliashberg GM , Khalatnikov IM , Maor U
11:45-12:20 Diffraction and Unitarity
Dremin IM
12:20-12:55 Diffraction cross sections as saturation signatures
Maor U
12:55-14:10 Lunch
14:10-14:45 Long strings on the stretched horizon
Zakharov VI
14:45-15:25 e+e- annihilation into hadrons and beyond
Ioffe BL
15:25-16:00 Multipomeron theory in Gribov approach
Abramovskaya NV , Abramovsky VA
16:00-16:25 Coffee break
16:25-17:00 Search for manifestations of the BFKL-evolution at the Large Hadron Collider
Kim VT
17:00-17:35 Overview of neutrino oscillations
Kudenko Yu
17:35-18:10 Minimal String theory and Douglas equation
Belavin AA

Thursday, 18 June
10:00-10:35 Theory of Hyperfine Splitting in Muonium and Positronium
Eides M
10:35-11:05 Alternative renormgroup for the Standard Model
Pivovarov GB
11:05-11:30 Uncertainty relation for quantum gravity.
Azimov Ya
11:30-11:55 Coffee break
11:55-12:30 Semiclassical S-matrix for black holes
Levkov D
12:30-13:05 Towards the microsсopic description of condensates
Gorsky AS
13:05-14:20 Lunch
14:20-14:45 CPT violation and non-zero photon mass
Novikov Victor A
14:45-15:20 Cosmological antimatter
Dolgov AD
15:20-15:55 Some QCD/gravity intersections
Teryaev O
15:55-16:20 Coffee break
16:20-16:55 Manifestations of the rotation and gravity of the Earth in spin physics experiments
Silenko AJ
16:55-17:30 Baryogenesis after Sakharov and search for the EDM of charged particles at storage rings
Rathmann F , Saleev A , Nikolaev NN
17:30-18:00 Looking for chiral anomaly in $K\gamma ---> K\pi$ reactions
Vysotsky Mikhail II
18:00-19:30 Mini-reception: wine and snacks

Friday, 19 June
10:00-10:35 Euler-Lagrange equations for high energy effective actions in QCD and gravity
Lipatov LN
10:35-11:10 Impact factors for reggeon-gluon transitions
Fadin VS
11:10-11:45 Summation of UV divergences in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories in diverse dimensions
Kazakov D
11:45-12:10 Coffee break
12:10-12:45 Diphoton production at Tevatron and the LHC in the NLO* approximation of the Parton Reggeization Approach
Saleev VA , Nefedov MA
12:45-13:15 Electromagnetic production of electron and positron in collisions of heavy nuclei
Khriplovich I
13:15-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:05 From condensed -matter to high energy physics: Weyl fermions and Higgs bosons
Volovik GE
15:05-15:40 Hidden reefs of multi-parton interaction physics
Dokshitser Yu
15:40-16:15 Quark-gluon plasma in pp and pA collisions: effect on high-p_T spectra
Zakharov BG
16:15-16:40 Coffee break
16:40-17:15 Different aspects of charm production in hadronic collisions
Szczurek A
17:15-17:50 Azimuthal decorrelation of the hadronic dijets in the Regge limit of QCD
Shipilova AV
17:50-18:25 Scalar mass bounds in a simple fermion-scalar theory from Functional Renormalisation Group Equations
Patkos A

Saturday, 20 June
10:00-10:30 Wilson fermion doubling phenomenon on irregular lattice: the similarity and difference with the case of regular lattice
Vergeles SN
10:30-11:00 Formfactors and free-field representations in the 2D integrable field theory models
Laskevich MYu
11:00-11:35 On space of local fields in integrable field theories.
Pugai YaP , Laskevich MYu
11:35-12:00 Coffee break
12:00-12:35 Diffraction at LHC
Jenkovszky L
12:35-13:10 Dilepton and vector meson production in exclusive and proton dissociative processes
Schaefer WJ
13:10-13:40 Geometrical Aspects of Multi-Quark Potentials
Andreev OD
13:40-13:45 Closing the meeting

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